Titanium 3X
Synonym: The Metal (TITANIUM), Ti.
Source: Trituration of the copper-red crystals, obtained from the slag at the bottom of a blast iron furnace
Guiding symptoms/Indications:
1. This remedy can be used in sexual weakness with too early ejaculation of semen at the time of coitus.
2. Is found in the bones and muscles.
3. Has been used in lupus and tuberculosis processes externally, also in skin disease, nasal catarrh, etc.
4. Imperfect vision, the peculiarity being that half an object only could be seen at once.
5. Giddiness with vertical hemiopia.
6. Bright’s disease. Eczema, lupus, rhinitis.
Head- Giddiness.
– Desire to keep the eyelids closed.
– Imperfect vision, the peculiarity being that half an object only could be seen at once.
– Loss of appetite.
– Nausea.
– Feeling of discomfort in the stomach.
Dose and administration: 1 tab 3 to 4 times daily. ½ tab for children.
Side effects: No significant side effect has been observed in proper dosage
Contraindication: There is no known contraindication.
Relationship: Compare (1) Half-sight, Nat-c., Lyc., Aur., Lith.
Presentations: 50 tabs (20 gm in PET bottle), 450gm powder in a container.
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